
Day 5-Post

The Dam Visit. The moment we all got up and running we made breakfast for today and then we went off to the dam! When we arrived we all looked at the overview then went hiking on a trail we found. While on the trail we came to a fork in the road. We went left not knowing what was to come. We walked the trail which changed to more and more rocks and clay, and then we saw the lake formed by the dam. We saw almost eight butterflies around some glob of food. It was cool. Then we continued on the trail and went right on the fork in the road. The day is continued below.

The Anderson and Jayson House. As we continued to go right on the trail we found the Anderson and Jayson house. This house once was a hospital during the civil war. Many injured people came to this place during the war. In the house we saw a hospital room with dried blood stains. We also saw some of the prices of the treatments of the injuries. There was a great diorama and display of the uniforms they wore. You could see the types of tools they use and a few other things. Then back to camp. The day is still continued below.

Water yay or water nay. When we were done with the Anderson and Jayson house we were deciding if we should go canoeing. While the year long decision was going on it began to rain. This decision was about will the storm pass or stay. If you ask me you are going canoeing you will get wet you should expect that so you are already wet. So we hitched the canoes and we go on with a happy spirit and go canoeing. So we got there and got one of the world’s best rowing photos (posted). When we arrive, people start picking what boat they need and the buddy they want. Every boat had to have an adult, but some did not get that. We all then got our buds and went off to row the boats. It was a strange first quarter mile. Some ran into rocks, trees and some did three-sixties. We got to land and we all made it back through the deadly river. The day is still continued below.

Who is here? Tonight we all were getting ready for dinner, and who shows up but Mr. Stark, Matthew S., Louie H., Mr. Graff, and Josh all in the Graff bus. We had dinner and all are doing great and are having a supercilufrigilrsticexpialidious time. All the continued blogs by Hunter the overachiever

(Editors Note: the aforementioned author has also been the most helpful scout all week – always asking what can I do to help, do you want me to do now…. Hope some of that rubs off on my kid this week! Well done, Mom K!)

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