The day dawned bright and clear for the start of our trip! Mr. Gr and Mr. T arrived at the scout house early to start sorting out all the groceries and putting them in boxes by day. Pretty soon Mr. Gu arrived with fresh donuts, coffee and hot chocolate. Yes, we do rough it, don’t we?
The bags and packs began piling up outside the trailer as the scouts arrived, then Mathew our quartermaster started the trailer loading. Unfortunately, we chose the tallest scout and the shortest trailer! The solution was to put some of the younger scouts into the trailer and pass everything in. Soon, we were ready to depart, and Deacon Bayne led us in prayer for a safe trip:
Mr Gr was feeling a bit queasy as we loaded the trailer so he held back a bit, which if you know him, was very unusual. Shortly after we started our drive, he called the other cars to say he need a rest stop as he still was not feeling well. Just south of Wilmington, the Bus II and Big Blue pulled into the rest area as the rest of us continued our drive. The good news in Mr R is an ER nurse and was driving Big Blue so he could pretty quickly tell that Mr Gr was passing a kidney stone!
By the time the rest of the troop stopped for lunch, Mr Gr was told he passed the first of several stones and he needed to stay home from the trip and take care of his kidney. Once Mrs. Gr got to the Wilmington hospital, Big Blue took off to catch up to the rest of the crew by nightfall. Our prayers are with you Mr Gr!
Meanwhile, back with the troop, lunch was over and the scouts were restless. A woman from Boston came over to the dads and said “I just have to say two things: First, thank you for volunteering your time with the scouts. Two, as soon as I pulled in, I knew you were a scout troop. My 30 and 31 year old sons are both Eagles. Have a fun trip!”
I’m not sure what convinced her they were scouts, but this is what they were up to at the time:
Oh, NO! Poor Mr. Gr. I know there are some dads along who can empathize ;). Let's hope this is the last of the crises you encounter! Safe travels, gentlemen.
Five little monkeys swinging in a tree, telling Mr. Alligator can't catch me . . .
Shout out to will
Mr Gr here. Thanks to Mr. R for the quick diagnosis and support. Thanks to Mr. T for willing giving up his seat in Big Blue and jumping in at command central for Bus2! A special thanks to Patrick, Luke and Parker for not complaining when they had to sit in the waiting room of the ER for several hours. I know they would have much preffered climbing trees with their fellow monkeys!
I am saddened that after nearly a years (from many parents) worth of work that I got taken out of the ballgame early in the first inning. The upside is that you all will sleep better because I am not there echoing Mr. S's snoring (one note above or below).
Please call if you cant figure out your food.
Mr C and Mr T - your towing experience will be better if you remember to push the tow/haul switch on the gear selector!
Vicadin is now my friend. Please have a safe and fun summer trip!
Parker - Dad here. Sorry I had to bail on you. I was really looking forward to spending this time with you. BTW - all the wool hiking socks are in my large duffel bag.
Please take plenty of pictures and make sure someone takes some of you so Mom and I can see that you are having fun.
Love Dad
Mr. D says the tradition of adding a little extra to a summer trip continues. Get well Mr. Gr.
So sad for Mr. G - after all that hard work and planning! I too hope this is the only major mishap and the remaining group has a fantastic trip! Mrs. T
Prayers to Mr. Gr. Here's to a remaining trip without any emergencies and wrong turns!
Guys, it was only a MINI-bear, a chipmunk! You can get out of the tree now.
Keep up the good work!!
The Carrs
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