
2013 Wildlife

It was an amazing trip for wildlife - we saw everything from Ants to Zombies (really, check out the pics).

Each boy seems to have a favorite animal or moment, but for me seeing 8 Eagles in the wild was the thrill of a lifetime.  Just take a look at this steely stare:

Or see how our own Dr. Dolittle (you remember the song, he talks to the animals) has a way with attracting deer:

and the crabs (he's the one on the left)!

or the bear.  Yes, we do have a pic of him.  It seems the photographer was in a bit of a hurry to move along (can't blame him there), but this pic should silence all the skeptics!  Look closely in the top right corner, or watch the slide show where I zoom in on him.  

Enjoy the show, or click here for the direct link.

1 comment:

kmk said...

Wow - so many great animal encounters....and close ones! The deer and the bear (yeeks!) and the marmots! Great pics!