
2011-Day7-Shooting, Part II

Today we all had to wake up at 7:30am because the merit badge counselor, Jeff K, would be there at 8:00. We reviewed the requirements for the shotgun merit badge while we looked at his guns (not weapons) and demonstrated safe handling. After a quick quiz we headed to the range to shoot clay pigeons. There were 6 guns in all including a 12 and 20 gauges of the pump action shotgun, the over-and-under hinged shotgun, and the semi-automatic shotgun. After most of the requirements were signed off, the last requirement was to shoot 24/50 clay pigeons. We took turns each shooting five shells at a time. Eventually most scouts passed this test, but the sharpshooter Will, earned Top Gun with his outstanding performance of 24/25 clay pigeons hit using his favorite gun the 20 Gauge Semi-automatic Beretta Shotgun. Once we were done with hitting the clay pigeons coming towards us, we shot a few going away to see what it was like shooting trap. We decided to take a break and ate lunch. Once we were finished with lunch we decided to play a game of trap, Kids vs. Adults. The kids went first earning a total of 44 points 13 coming from Top Gun of Trap Colin, and 12 from Brennan. Once we were finished the adults went totaling 32 points but, the last round was a mix of adults and kids where Jeff the instructor earned 19 points for the adults and beating the kids. We cleaned the guns, and headed to a restaurant that served delicious ice cream. We ate the ice cream and went back to camp. Some started on dinner while others went to the beach to wash up a bit (maybe so their parents would hug them when they came back.)  When we got back we ate dinner, The Big Burrito Pig-Out Night. After dinner, because it was Mr. S’s birthday we had bought him a cake, lit it, and we sang him Happy Birthday.  After we had settled down, we sat around the campfire to see some skits and hear some songs. Near the end, Hank gave out nicknames:

         Parker – Chuck (Woodchuck) reference to the Geico commercial and he liked to chuck wood during our hikes

         Senior Graff – Papa Smurf

         Mr. Kelly – No name because Hank was to lazy to think of one

         Brennan – Quick Draw McGraw because of his excellent shooting skills at the range

         Wiley – Bobby Lavanti who drives Nascar because he endorses the same lighter fluid that Wiley accidently drank when he thought it was Mountain Dew

It was a great night to end a great week.

By Brennan Kelly and Luke Rolfsen

Signing out,

1 comment:

Mama Seibt said...

Will, your Grandpa William would be so proud of you!!! Well done. Now you need to tell your uncles. :)