
Nantahala Summer Trip - Day 1 (for real)

Good Morning fans of Troop 820!!! Wiley and Evan here reporting today’s events. Before I forget, a big shout out to Master William and his family as well as a shout out to Claire. We started off the day by arriving at the Scout House at 8:00. We scouts helped out in eating the doughnuts and with loading the trailer with our gear. Right before we departed, we had Deacon Bane give us a blessing and we were on our way….somewhat!! We got into our cars and Mr. A’s car would not start. So we waited to get his car started and we were finally on our way to North Carolina. Not too long after we left, we get a call from Mr. G and surprise… of the tires on the trailer ran flat. So the trailer pulled to the side of the road while the rest of us continued onward to our destination…which, for now, was a gas station. When we arrived to the gas station, the Scouts got the opportunity to buy candy and snacks and maybe a drink. I personally (Wiley here) bought 2 drinks and a pack of gum. Then Luke R. introduced me to something I haven’t seen in a long time…….candy cigarettes. So all the Scouts pretty much got one to try and we then departed to our Lunch destination. At lunch, the group that was ahead scouted an area and we held it until the rest of the group got there to eat lunch. Us scouts got to play around with some Frisbees and we played a round of cards until we got lunch ready. Now to tell you about the events after lunch is Evan! This is Evan A. blogging which I think might not be a word. When we finally got to the campsite after like five hours we saw the Curry’s. We followed them down to the amazing campsite. When we all got there we started unloading the trailer. After all the stuff was unloaded, we started assembling the tables. We found out that the people who made the tables weren’t really thinking when they did. We had to take apart the tables multiple times. The dinner was the best campout dinner I have ever had. It was chicken fingers, salad, and french fries. We had brownies for dessert. We were being lazy and just bought them. We hope for a better day tomorrow. Signing off.


Unknown said...

Happy Father's Day to all of the dads on the trip, spending priceless time with your sons!

Meiman Family said...

Happy Father's Day! Have a great time! :-)

Chad said...

Hope you are all having a great trip far, sorry Will and I are not with you this year!!

Carole G said...

Happy Father's Day to all the dads, but to Dave G especially. Thank you for being a great dad and husband!

Anonymous said...

Happy Father's Day B.K. Love Ashley and Mack.

Jan Kane said...

Looks like a beautiful place! Happy Father's Day to all the Dads! Have fun!

Anonymous said...

Happy Father's Day to all the dads. Hope you have a wonderful day and trip.

Unknown said...

cigarettes shout out to girls two"drinks" i know i should stayed as chaplain just kidding. happy fathers day stay safe check in tomorrow