We had our first rain last night. Fortunately we were souvenir shopping during the torrential part of it, and our tents (even the He-man zipperless model) remained predominately dry. We had a few other brief encounters during the night and early morning, but again, we didn't seem to have any real troubles.
We need to give a couple shout-outs here:
1. Thanks again to all the people who are commenting on the blog. We have a lot of fun reading these out loud - especially anything coming out of the Myth Busters entry.
2. Thanks to Wills mom and sibs for sending the cookie care package. You can tell Will has several siblings, because he immediately shared a dozen of the cookies, then squirreled the rest away for future meals. One year during finals week, this same gal sent me a freshly baked Cherry Pie via fedex. I think even then it cost her $30 to do that, but I'm pretty sure that was the day I decided I would have to eventually marry that wonderful women.
By the way, has any blog yet mentioned that the sun comes up here at like 5:30 AM? It then proceeds to shine directly into my tent (but I think others have the same issue). Somebody should write a letter or something about that.
On to the Wallet poll, the one guy who got no votes is the one who found out if his wallet floats:

Hey guys,
Looks like you are all having a great time! everything looks so clean and beautiful, i wish i was there. Hope everything else goes well. just keep us posted! oh and colin, watch out for the BEES!!!!
Ha ha I guess you can come up with some sort of nickname for Omer now! Toiletman, Port-a-potty, Wacky Wet Wallet... something! Anyway enjoy your rafting! Be safe, have fun, etc. etc. blah blah blah.
Great blog guys! Tick and Dr. Plaques Family here...
We've enjoyed every adventure from the net. Wish we would have done something like that when we were young. All we ever did was play in the mud and boogie board in a water retention ditch! Colin, I voted you as the one most likely to go over without a lifeline being thrown. (nene) Have a safe trip home. G'ma Lu, Cpa Dave, Michelle, Karen, Kevin and Nene
We know all about rafting with Will and his Dad, from our Colorado rafting adventure in 2006!
Hope they kept the shenanigans to a minimum!
Love, The Colorado Hasley's
Colin,I'm enjoying the beautiful scenery...exoept your attire-didn't I tell you no yellow camo with grey camo and yet a different camo hat!!!!!Sorry no messages prior-sent them all incorrectly. Guess Who? lol mom
hola colin! i just wanted to say that I hope your having fun without me...even though it's highly impossible. and i want you to know that It's no fun watching chowder without my chowder buddy! talk to ya soon! love you and miss you tell dad i said hi! ~kels
Hi Colin and Mike. Sounds like your trip is loads of fun, We have missed you here. Drink plenty of fluids and watch out for the bison, they will charge at you. (we saw it on Animal planet) See you soon, Sean
Awesome Colin & Dr. Plaque!Wish I could have done this when I was young.All we ever got to do was play in mud & boogie board in water retention ditches. Enjoyed the blog & looking at pics. PS.I voted colin would be the one to go over the raft w/out getting a lifeline. Safe trip home. Aunt Nene
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