This is the whole trip troop getting ready to leave the scout house – they look ready, don’t they?

We all jumped in a few cars to go to the airport and get checked in. Thanks to Mary Ellen all of our tickets were in order, and all the bags were under the 50 lb limit.
We walked through the underground rather than taking the tram as it seemed at least a few boys had some extra energy to burn. A short bus ride later, we were cooling our heels for a little more than an hour until our flight left. Jack had to buy something to eat while we waited.
As soon as we landed, we hit the airport tourist traps…while jack ate a pizza

A scout to be left nameless wandered down to pick our baggage – without us – and oh, by the way it is the wrong airport to pick up our bags!

We just got a confirming phone call from our friendly Yellowstone Fire Prevention Ranger. Veronica has arranged a service project for us on Sunday morning picking up a roadside and trailhead area that is very popular with tourists. On Thursday she will be meeting with us for a campfire discussion of fire prevention and fire fighting.
The boys are playing cards (while Jack eats a sandwich) and killing time until our next flight to Billings for our first night out at the glamorous Hilltop Hotel. It seemed to be one of the least expensive hotels in the area near the airport, with a complementary, continental breakfast. My guess is they don’t know what is going to hit them there…

See you tomorrow!
Only losing 1 scout isn't bad. It's still a good percentage. See you all tomorrow.
Losing the scout is not a problem. Now, not FINDING him again would be an issue! Jack looks hungry--you better feed him!
Hey, is that "Scholarship Seibt" on that trip?
Man, you guys are gonna have some great cowboy song sing-alongs with him along!
Have fun, and remember the Raisin River Canoe Trip Rule: Stay hydrated!
Well Luke and Hank are on their way. They should be in MT in roughly 2 hours. Hope you all had a good night sleep. And oh yeah, I forgot to put garbage bags and food storage bags on your grocery list.--Laura
Grandpa & Grandma are watching with bated breath so watch out for bears!
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